Saturday 3 October 2009

Whatever next

I'm off to Hastings.

That sounds great but, wait a minute. What about the blog?

Was it not going to be about London?

Yes. That's right!

So relax, it's OK because my journey does after all start in London.

As usual, I got up early. Even went for my morning splish before rushing back home. Breakfast, Morning Gongyo and off to Charing Cross Train station to catch the 10.45 to Hastings. Well, St.Leonard's-on-Sea to be precise. My buddy, Petra, has a lovely apartment on the beach front.

I left home in good time as I wanted to see what photo opportunities could present themselves at the train station on a Saturday morning.

I felt that there would perhaps be a bit of a holiday atmosphere there as opposed to the usual commuter rush hour madness!

Tube journey was uneventful. I arrived at Charing Cross at 10.15. Great! Half an hour to hang around and observe.

My inkling was right. Relatively speaking, the train station was almost deserted.

Shirley made a bee line to the ticketing machine. We had booked on line and only needed to have the machine spit out our train tickets.

And what can I say next to her was my first photo opportunity!

Click - that's in the bag! And on I went. I got quite a few interesting people. One that I love was again shot from the hip as the guy was sitting on the floor eating his wrap. His coffee cup stood next to him and looked as if it was "growing"out of the ground!

The station was gradually filling up. Trains coming into London, surprisingly carrying more passengers than one would think for a Saturday... Well, London is always busy, I guess.

I roamed around some more. A shot here, a shot there. People asking for advice at the information desk. Lots of people on the phone. Would we really be lost without them?!

The time was ticking away and our train was now ready to be boarded.

I'm happy with my harvest. I consulted "buddy" and Shirley and here is the shot of the day.

Petra loved the coincidental arrangement of all the reds and Shirley the contrast between the vibrancy of the colours and the lack thereof in the man's facial expression.

Great! Because that's exactly what I saw and why I took the photo!

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